Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Blogs I like, etc

Well, as you can see, I have put up a list of the blogs which I am enjoying reading, in the side column.

What one enjoys reading tells quite a bit about WHO one is, I think. So, assumptions may be drawn.

At the same time, I have had the very pleasant surprise of receiving a COMMENT, from someone who has read the little that I have already written! How bizarre! And quel surprise...

Receiving any sort of feedback certainly makes one feel much more positive about typing!

Now my task must be to establsh just exactly WHAT this blog is ABOUT and what i hope to achieve by posting - beyond the obvious reason, which I have already mentioned in the previous entry.

Monday, April 23, 2007

More Beginnings

It's taken me a while to get back here, because I haven't worked out - yet - quite what this is ABOUT. Plus my attention has been diverted by so many other things, recently.

ONE of the things that this blog is about, is simply proving that i CAN do a blog - with reasonable writing, absence of spelling mistakes and typos, some actual content (of interest) at some point... (I hope!)...and so on.

The reason for that? I see blog jobs advertised, and I would really like to do this - if I had a REASON to do it. So, I feel that I could blog away to my heart's content, about WHATEVER I was required to write about, *IF* I was getting paid for it and thereby felt motivated by the thing I need (money!).

BUT if it is 'just' me, parading my thoughts in front of the world (hey! I know no-one's actually reading this, yet...)... then, I feel that I don't have that much that's worthwhile to say. Especially when there are 63 million 'other' people out there writing blogs, who DO think that their thoughts are special enough to spew out....

That sounds disrespectful. And it's not necessarily the case that blogs contain irrelevant stuff. In fact, I am enjoying regularly reading quite a number of blogs at the moment...(I'll tell you which ones, later).

SO...until I have clarified for myself just what it is that I am writing about, here - and who for? and WHY?... there may be some lengthy silences, here. Seems fair, to me......